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Grand Tonic Hôtel Biarritz

Siège Social : 14 rue du Roule 75001 Paris
Téléphone:  01 42 33 00 71
Capital : 211 644,29Euros
Numéro TVA : FR83379734395
RSC: 379 734 395 RCS Paris
SIRET: 379 734 395 00021
Directeur ou gérant mentionné sur le Kbis: Frédéric Boissier
Directeur de la publication: Céline Boissier
Photographe : Arnaud TEXIER - +33 64 65 66 112 -

Création du site : Agence WEBCOM

Adresse : 83 rue Saint Honoré 75001 Paris
Téléphone : +33 (0)1 83 56 95 62
Statut : SARL
SIRET : 500 333 745 00023

Hébergement : OVH

Téléphone : 0899 701 761
Adresse : 140 Quai du Sartel – 59100 Roubaix
Société à Responsabilité Limitée (SARL)
SIRET : 424 761 419 00011

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Autumn is slowly settling in, bringing with it the crisp air and new seasonal flavors. After the hectic pace of the back-to-school period, it’s time to treat yourself to a well-deserved break and savor every moment of relaxation.


The Grand Tonic Hotel welcomes you into an elegant and cozy atmosphere, where every detail is designed to offer you an unforgettable experience. Indulge in an autumn-inspired coffee break with our must-try Pumpkin Spice, served hot or iced, and discover our new seasonal menu at the LMB restaurant, sure to delight your taste buds.


For a complete wellness experience, enjoy our duo treatments at the Nuxe Spa—a true journey of relaxation to share. Additionally, you’ll have access to our spa area, perfect for recharging in a soothing atmosphere, ideal for this autumn weather.


Book now and treat yourself to a refreshing getaway, extending the warmth of the season and stepping into autumn with peace of mind!

Grand Tonic Hôtel Biarritz & SPA NUXE

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